Saturday, December 12, 2009

You see what I'm up against?

On Facebook, I'm a member of the "Anglos in Israel" group. They so nicely emailed the group with an opportunity to participate with JCorps in volunteer activities. Curious, I mosied on over to their FB page. Does anyone see anything wrong with this disclaimer?

"We are non-religious, non-denominational, and 100% free. We are open to all unmarried Jews aged 18-30."

To which denomination within the Jewish religion are they referring? Jews for Jesus??


  1. There is nothing referring to any particular denomination in that quote. JCorps has no religious beliefs or positions, and certainly has nothing to do with "Jews for Jesus" (which is actually a Christian, Southern Baptist-sponsored organization largely funded by non-Jews).

    This is an unwarranted attack on a volunteer network that feeds thousands of people and takes care of hundreds of sick children.

    Kindly consider removing this post as it is misinformed. Thank you.

  2. Ari, I won't remove my post, but I'll display your comment. I don't see my post as an attack. It's a tongue-in-cheek comment, meant to be taken lightly.
